About us

Canped is the first and the most preferred adult diaper brand in Turkey. As the leader of the developing adult diaper market, it also has the greatest product variety. Ontex Turkey, which exports to 39 countries in addition to its activities in Turkey, is responsible for the management of Africa, Caucasus, Central Asia and Middle East regions. It aims to meet consumer expectations at the highest level with its main brands Canbebe and Canped. In addition to its own brands, it produces products for consumer needs with its expert staff in the field of Private Label Production. Ontex Turkey is among the members of the Istanbul Furniture, Paper and Forest Products Exporters’ Association, operating under the General Secretariat of Istanbul Exporters’ Associations; It has been among the top 5 exporting companies in the “Paper, Cardboard, Packaging, Stationery” subgroup for 10 years.
Our history

Canped established in 1998 as the first adult diaper brand in Turkey.

In addition to its adult diapers with tape and bed protections, Canped expanded its product portfolio in 2007 and introduced adult pants and bladder pad products that make life easier against urinary incontinence problem.

In 2012, Turkey’s first incontinence diaper for children is launched in Turkey. One of the most significant product enhancement steps has been taken and adult diapers with tape have started to be produced with textile surfaces.

Canped has brought a new technology to incontinence products and launched ultra bladder pads with higher absorption capacity with a thinner structure for discretion.

Protective underwear with a discrete structure is added to Canped products, which is helpful for the people who live and deal with incontinence in their social life. Added Canped Junior Pants to portfolio, which are building up confidence for the kids who are experiencing incontinence.
Our policies
With its strong commitment to corporate responsibility and sustainability, Ontex is the leading supplier of high-quality personal hygiene products and services, making it the preferred business partner of numerous consumer, retailer, lifestyle brand partners, corporate and private healthcare providers around the world.
Information security
Ontex Consumer Products Industry and Trade Inc., undertakes to take measures to ensure and protect the confidentiality, integrity and accessibility of the organization’s information assets.
Ontex is widely recognized as a leading manufacturer of high quality personal hygiene products. Globally, we are a preferred business partner by consumers, retailers, business partners with lifestyle brands, corporate and private healthcare providers. We work to make a positive impact on society and make people’s lives better.
Our news
Medications for older adults may lead to urinary incontinence.
Prof. Dr. Oktay Demirkesen, Urology Specialist and Chairperson of the Turkish Continence Society, states that medication use is an extremely important factor in urinary…
Medications for older adults may lead to urinary incontinence.
Prof. Dr. Oktay Demirkesen, Urology Specialist and Chairperson of the Turkish Continence Society, states that medication use is an extremely important factor in urinary…
Medications for older adults may lead to urinary incontinence.
Prof. Dr. Oktay Demirkesen, Urology Specialist and Chairperson of the Turkish Continence Society, states that medication use is an extremely important factor in urinary…